Will I Have to Go to Court?

Mary, Client
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Hundreds of questions are asked when an accident occurs, but one of the bigger questions people ask is: “Will I have to go to court?”
The most common answer to that is: No. You will not have to go to court.
Only about 3 to 5 percent of auto accidents actually end up going to court. Many cases simply choose to settle. Meaning they work together and come to an agreement with the driver at fault and the victim on payments for damages caused. Settlements are typically worked out through insurance companies as well as you (or a lawyer).

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Common Concerns

When you experience an auto accident, many factors come into play regarding the next steps. Some of the common concerns are:

  • How to settle the payments
  • Who’s at fault?
  • Will my insurance cover this?
  • How severe are the injuries?

Why Avoiding Court Is Beneficial

There are many benefits to avoiding court in auto accident cases, the most prominent being money. The cost of going to court for an auto accident can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars.

Another reason people avoid going to court is because the outcome of the case can be unpredictable. You may think it will go one way, but evidence and witness testimonies may lead to an entirely different result.

Going to court also takes a very long time. The time and scheduling commitment can be extensive and inconvenient when you’re trying to move on with your life.

Overall, many auto accident cases won’t require court intervention. The settlements reached between those involved in the accident are often sufficient to resolve any issues that arise.

What Happens if I Do Go to Court?

If your case does end up in court, you’ll need to be prepared for the long process and additional costs. The court will evaluate the evidence provided and determine fault based on the facts. You’ll need to provide documentation, such as accident reports, medical records, and witness testimonies, to support your claim.

It’s always a good idea to consult with a lawyer who can guide you through the process and help ensure your best interests are represented. Even if you don’t expect to go to court, having legal counsel can make the process of negotiating a settlement easier and more efficient.

Contact Us

If you’ve been involved in an auto accident and have questions about whether you may need to go to court, our experienced team can help. Contact us today to schedule a free case consultation at 888-813-3188.