Portland Social Security Disability
Portland Social Security Disability Lawyer
Have you suffered an injury or health condition that has left you unable to work? Have you applied for Social Security Benefits and were rejected? A Social Security Disability attorney with Bell Law Offices in Portland, Oregon, can assist you. Whether you have applied for Social Security benefits already or still need to get started, hiring a lawyer can help you with this complicated process.
You can have confidence with a dedicated and experienced Social Security lawyer from our personal injury law firm on your side. We can provide you with the counsel and representation you require. We can help you pursue Social Security Disability Insurance benefits or Supplemental Security Income payments in Portland, Oregon.
Contact us to speak to a lawyer for disability claims at (503) 974-6430 or fill out the contact form on our website. You can also email our law firm at info@belllawoffices.com.
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Common Social Security Disability Questions
Do You Need a Social Security Disability Lawyer?
The Social Security system is complex and difficult. Trying to navigate the process when you feel well and have ideal health can be a headache in itself. But to attempt to do so after a personal injury, when your health and circumstances are not good, is even more challenging. To make matters worse, all it takes is one mistake and your claim can be rejected.
It is imperative to have a Social Security Disability lawyer on your side who can present the facts of your case well. When representing clients with disabilities, lawyers must include medical treatment history and work history in an accurate and clear manner.
Our Bell Law Offices in Portland have a Social Security Disability attorney that can help you prepare and file your information. You can rest assured that the correct agency will receive your application or appeal and go through the proper process.
If you have yet to submit your initial claim and want to avoid a denial letter’s frustration and anxiety, please contact us. We have a Social Security Disability attorney that can help you prepare and submit your claim right from the start.
Which Do You Need: Social Security Disability Benefits or Supplemental Security Income?
Let’s explain the differences in these programs, which will help you understand which you qualify for and need. For additional assistance, please contact a Social Security Disability attorney with our team. Our team can review the specifics of your situation with you, and a disability lawyer can help you move forward with your application.
Social Security Disability, also known as SSDI, benefits program is an “entitlement” program. This means that workers, employers, and those who are self-employed pay in advance for the benefits of the program when they pay their Social Security taxes. Your work history determines your ability to qualify for the benefits of this program. In some cases, it may be determined by the work history of your spouse or parent. This criterion fixes the amount that you will receive as a benefit.
In contrast, the Supplemental Security Income, or SSI, is a needs-based program. The intent is for it to be used by people with reduced and restricted income and resources. Resources being the possessions and belongings that you own. This program receives its funds through general tax revenues. Federal and state laws fix the amount that you can receive as a benefit, and these laws factor in where you live, those who live with you, and your existing income.
The Portland, Oregon, Social Security Disability lawyers with Bell Law Offices are poised and ready to help you. We want you to receive the Social Security benefits you qualify for and deserve.
What to Do If You Have Already Been Denied Social Security Benefits?
It is of the utmost importance to act quickly once the Social Security Administration (SSA) denies your application for Social Security Disability (SSDI) benefits. There is a limited time to appeal and request a hearing to submit your claim to an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) – 60 days. This period begins on the stamped date on the SSA’s letter which states your claim is rejected.
According to the SSA, if you miss this window to file an appeal and attempt to file again, you must begin the process again from the initial steps. The SSA will make you start over again at the very beginning. Additionally, you will have to wait for months to receive a decision. But this is a time that you do not want to wait, especially after a personal injury.
A disability lawyer from our law firm can help you with this appeal process. We understand the reasons that claims are often denied. Frequently, an applicant failed to include necessary medical documentation. It could also be that a serious illness causing your complete disability is difficult for doctors to diagnose.
It is in these situations that our shrewd Social Security Disability lawyers can help you. A disability lawyer from our team can meticulously analyze your medical records and gather important evidence. When our team organizes and presents this data in a compelling way to the SSA, they are far more likely to approve your claim.
Our Social Security Disability lawyers can assist in these matters either with an initial application or in an appeal situation. If you have received a denial letter, don’t lose hope. Contact our law firm, Bell Law Offices, for assistance with your appeal.
Contact a Portland, Oregon Social Security Disability Lawyer Today
We Are Here To Help
If you are unable to work due to a personal injury, we may have an experienced lawyer who can help you. It is true that you can file an SSDI application on your own without the help of a lawyer. However, the facts show that claimants without the legal representation of a Social Security Disability attorney are often rejected. We do not want that to happen to you. We want you to succeed– even on your first attempt, if possible.
Having an informed and discerning Social Security lawyer in your corner is key to your receiving good results. A disability lawyer at Bell Law Offices in Portland, Oregon, can help you solve the complicated process of obtaining Social Security Disability benefits.
Speak with a disability lawyer with our law firm today. We are wholly dedicated to ensuring that you receive the fair and complete benefits the law makes available to you. Contact us at (503) 974-6430 or fill out the contact form on our website. You can also email us at info@belllawoffices.com.

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